fmgr_dvm_cmd_import_devlist – Import a list of ADOMs and devices.

Added in version 2.0.0.


Starting in version 3.0.0, all input arguments will be named using the underscore naming convention (snake_case).

  • Argument name before 3.0.0: var-name, var name,

  • New argument name starting in 3.0.0: var_name

FortiManager Ansible v2.4+ supports both previous argument name and new underscore name. You will receive deprecation warnings if you keep using the previous argument name. You can ignore the warning by setting deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg.


  • This module is able to configure a FortiManager device.

  • Examples include all parameters and values need to be adjusted to data sources before usage.

  • Tested with FortiManager v7.x.


The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.

  • ansible>=2.15.0

FortiManager Version Compatibility

Supported Version Ranges: v6.0.0 -> latest


  • access_token -The token to access FortiManager without using username and password. type: str required: false
  • bypass_validation - Only set to True when module schema diffs with FortiManager API structure, module continues to execute without validating parameters. type: bool required: false default: False
  • enable_log - Enable/Disable logging for task. type: bool required: false default: False
  • forticloud_access_token - Access token of forticloud managed API users, this option is available with FortiManager later than 6.4.0. type: str required: false
  • rc_succeeded - The rc codes list with which the conditions to succeed will be overriden. type: list required: false
  • rc_failed - The rc codes list with which the conditions to fail will be overriden. type: list required: false
  • workspace_locking_adom - Acquire the workspace lock if FortiManager is running in workspace mode. type: str required: false choices: global, custom adom including root
  • workspace_locking_timeout - The maximum time in seconds to wait for other users to release workspace lock. type: integer required: false default: 300
  • dvm_cmd_import_devlist - Import a list of ADOMs and devices. type: dict
    • adom Name or id of the adom where the command is to be executed on. type: str more...
    • flags Create_task - create a new task in task manager database. type: list choices: [none, create_task, nonblocking, log_dev] more...
    • import_adom_members (Alias name: import-adom-members) Associations between devices and adoms. type: list more...
      • adom Target adom to associate device vdom with. type: str more...
      • dev Dev. type: str more...
      • vdom Vdom. type: str more...
    • import_adoms (Alias name: import-adoms) A list of adom and device group objects to be imported. type: list more...
      • desc Desc. type: str more...
      • flags Flags. type: list choices: [migration, db_export, no_vpn_console, backup, other_devices, central_sdwan, is_autosync, per_device_wtp, policy_check_on_install, install_on_policy_check_fail, auto_push_cfg, per_device_fsw, install_deselect_all] more...
      • log_db_retention_hours Log db retention hours. type: int default: 1440 more...
      • log_disk_quota Log disk quota. type: int more...
      • log_disk_quota_alert_thres Log disk quota alert thres. type: int default: 90 more...
      • log_disk_quota_split_ratio Log disk quota split ratio. type: int default: 70 more...
      • log_file_retention_hours Log file retention hours. type: int default: 8760 more...
      • meta_fields (Alias name: meta fields) Default metafields: none. type: dict more...
      • mig_mr Mig mr. type: int default: 2 more...
      • mig_os_ver Mig os ver. type: str choices: [unknown, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0] default: 6.0 more...
      • mode Ems - (value no longer used as of 4. type: str choices: [ems, gms, provider] default: gms more...
      • mr Mr. type: int default: 2 more...
      • name Name. type: str more...
      • os_ver Os ver. type: str choices: [unknown, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0] default: 6.0 more...
      • restricted_prds Restricted prds. type: list or str choices: [fos, foc, fml, fch, fwb, log, fct, faz, fsa, fsw, fmg, fdd, fac, fpx, fna, fdc, ffw, fsr, fad, fap, fxt, fts, fai, fwc, fis, fed, fabric, fpa, fca, ftc, fss] more...
      • state State. type: int default: 1 more...
      • uuid Uuid. type: str more...
      • create_time Create time. type: int more...
      • workspace_mode Workspace mode. type: int more...
      • tz Tz. type: int more...
      • lock_override Lock override. type: int more...
      • primary_dns_ip4 Primary dns ip4. type: str more...
      • primary_dns_ip6_1 Primary dns ip6 1. type: int more...
      • primary_dns_ip6_2 Primary dns ip6 2. type: int more...
      • primary_dns_ip6_3 Primary dns ip6 3. type: int more...
      • primary_dns_ip6_4 Primary dns ip6 4. type: int more...
      • secondary_dns_ip4 Secondary dns ip4. type: str more...
      • secondary_dns_ip6_1 Secondary dns ip6 1. type: int more...
      • secondary_dns_ip6_2 Secondary dns ip6 2. type: int more...
      • secondary_dns_ip6_3 Secondary dns ip6 3. type: int more...
      • secondary_dns_ip6_4 Secondary dns ip6 4. type: int more...
    • import_devices (Alias name: import-devices) A list of device objects to be imported. type: list more...
      • adm_pass Adm pass. type: list more...
      • adm_usr Adm usr. type: str more...
      • app_ver App ver. type: str more...
      • av_ver Av ver. type: str more...
      • beta Beta. type: int more...
      • branch_pt Branch pt. type: int more...
      • build Build. type: int more...
      • checksum Checksum. type: str more...
      • conf_status Conf status. type: str choices: [unknown, insync, outofsync] default: unknown more...
      • conn_mode Conn mode. type: str choices: [active, passive] default: passive more...
      • conn_status Conn status. type: str choices: [UNKNOWN, up, down] default: UNKNOWN more...
      • db_status Db status. type: str choices: [unknown, nomod, mod] default: unknown more...
      • desc Desc. type: str more...
      • dev_status Dev status. type: str choices: [none, unknown, checkedin, inprogress, installed, aborted, sched, retry, canceled, pending, retrieved, changed_conf, sync_fail, timeout, rev_revert, auto_updated] default: unknown more...
      • fap_cnt Fap cnt. type: int more...
      • faz_full_act (Alias name: faz.full_act) Faz. type: int more...
      • faz_perm (Alias name: faz.perm) Faz. type: int more...
      • faz_quota (Alias name: faz.quota) Faz. type: int more...
      • faz_used (Alias name: faz.used) Faz. type: int more...
      • fex_cnt Fex cnt. type: int more...
      • flags Flags. type: list choices: [has_hdd, vdom_enabled, discover, reload, interim_build, offline_mode, is_model, fips_mode, linked_to_model, ip-conflict, faz-autosync, need_reset, backup_mode, azure_vwan_nva, fgsp_configured, cnf_mode, sase_managed, override_management_intf, sdwan_management, deny_api_access] more...
      • foslic_cpu Vm meter vcpu count. type: int more...
      • foslic_dr_site Vm meter dr site status. type: str choices: [disable, enable] default: disable more...
      • foslic_inst_time Vm meter first deployment time (in unix timestamp). type: int more...
      • foslic_last_sync Vm meter last synchronized time (in unix timestamp). type: int more...
      • foslic_ram Vm meter device ram size (in mb). type: int more...
      • foslic_type Vm meter license type. type: str choices: [temporary, trial, regular, trial_expired] default: temporary more...
      • foslic_utm Vm meter services type: list choices: [fw, av, ips, app, url, utm, fwb] more...
      • fsw_cnt Fsw cnt. type: int more...
      • ha_group_id Ha group id. type: int more...
      • ha_group_name Ha group name. type: str more...
      • ha_mode Enabled - value reserved for non-fos ha devices. type: str choices: [standalone, AP, AA, ELBC, DUAL, enabled, unknown, fmg-enabled, autoscale] default: standalone more...
      • ha_slave Ha slave. type: list more...
        • idx Idx. type: int more...
        • name Name. type: str more...
        • prio Prio. type: int more...
        • role Role. type: str choices: [slave, master] default: slave more...
        • sn Sn. type: str more...
        • status Status. type: int more...
        • conf_status Conf status. type: int more...
      • hdisk_size Hdisk size. type: int more...
      • hostname Hostname. type: str more...
      • hw_rev_major Hw rev major. type: int more...
      • hw_rev_minor Hw rev minor. type: int more...
      • ip Ip. type: str more...
      • ips_ext Ips ext. type: int more...
      • ips_ver Ips ver. type: str more...
      • last_checked Last checked. type: int more...
      • last_resync Last resync. type: int more...
      • latitude Latitude. type: str more...
      • lic_flags Lic flags. type: int more...
      • lic_region Lic region. type: str more...
      • location_from Location from. type: str more...
      • logdisk_size Logdisk size. type: int more...
      • longitude Longitude. type: str more...
      • maxvdom Maxvdom. type: int default: 10 more...
      • meta_fields (Alias name: meta fields) Default metafields: city, province/state, country, company/organization, contact. type: dict more...
      • mgmt_id Mgmt id. type: int more...
      • mgmt_if Mgmt if. type: str more...
      • mgmt_mode Mgmt mode. type: str choices: [unreg, fmg, faz, fmgfaz] default: unreg more...
      • mgt_vdom Mgt vdom. type: str more...
      • mr Mr. type: int default: -1 more...
      • name Unique name for the device. type: str more...
      • os_type Os type. type: str choices: [unknown, fos, fsw, foc, fml, faz, fwb, fch, fct, log, fmg, fsa, fdd, fac, fpx, fna, fdc, ffw, fsr, fad, fap, fxt, fts, fai, fwc, fis, fed, fpa, fca, ftc, fss] default: unknown more...
      • os_ver Os ver. type: str choices: [unknown, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0] default: unknown more...
      • patch Patch. type: int more...
      • platform_str Platform str. type: str more...
      • psk Psk. type: str more...
      • sn Unique value for each device. type: str more...
      • vdom Vdom. type: list more...
        • comments Comments. type: str more...
        • name Name. type: str more...
        • opmode Opmode. type: str choices: [nat, transparent] default: nat more...
        • rtm_prof_id Rtm prof id. type: int more...
        • status Status. type: str more...
        • vpn_id Vpn id. type: int more...
        • meta_fields (Alias name: meta fields) Meta fields. type: dict more...
        • vdom_type Vdom type. type: str choices: [traffic, admin] default: traffic more...
      • version Version. type: int more...
      • vm_cpu Vm cpu. type: int more...
      • vm_cpu_limit Vm cpu limit. type: int more...
      • vm_lic_expire Vm lic expire. type: int more...
      • vm_mem Vm mem. type: int more...
      • vm_mem_limit Vm mem limit. type: int more...
      • vm_status Vm status. type: int or str choices: [N/A, No License, Startup, Valid, Pending, Warning, Invalid, Invalid Copy, Evaluation Expired, Evaluation, Expires Soon, Expired, Grace Period, Validation Overdue] more...
      • module_sn Module sn. type: str more...
      • prefer_img_ver Prefer img ver. type: str more...
      • prio Prio. type: int more...
      • role Role. type: str choices: [master, ha-slave, autoscale-slave] default: master more...
      • hyperscale Hyperscale. type: int more...
      • nsxt_service_name Nsxt service name. type: str more...
      • private_key Private key. type: str more...
      • private_key_status Private key status. type: int more...
      • vm_lic_overdue_since Vm lic overdue since. type: int more...
      • first_tunnel_up First tunnel up. type: int more...
      • eip Eip. type: str more...
      • mgmt_uuid Mgmt uuid. type: str more...
      • hw_generation Hw generation. type: int more...
      • relver_info Relver info. type: str more...
      • cluster_worker Cluster worker. type: str more...
      • ha_vsn (Alias name: ha.vsn) Ha. type: str more...
      • ha_upgrade_mode Ha upgrade mode. type: int more...
      • vm_payg_status Vm payg status. type: int more...
    • import_group_members (Alias name: import-group-members) Associations between devices and device groups. type: list more...
      • adom Adom where the device group is located. type: str more...
      • dev Dev. type: str more...
      • grp Target device group to associate device vdom with. type: str more...
      • vdom Vdom. type: str more...



  • Running in workspace locking mode is supported in this FortiManager module, the top level parameters workspace_locking_adom and workspace_locking_timeout help do the work.

  • To create or update an object, use state: present directive.

  • To delete an object, use state: absent directive

  • Normally, running one module can fail when a non-zero rc is returned. you can also override the conditions to fail or succeed with parameters rc_failed and rc_succeeded


- name: Example playbook (generated based on argument schema)
  hosts: fortimanagers
  connection: httpapi
    ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: true
    ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: false
    ansible_httpapi_port: 443
    - name: Import a list of ADOMs and devices.
        # bypass_validation: false
        workspace_locking_adom: <value in [global, custom adom including root]>
        workspace_locking_timeout: 300
        # rc_succeeded: [0, -2, -3, ...]
        # rc_failed: [-2, -3, ...]
          adom: <string>
            - "none"
            - "create_task"
            - "nonblocking"
            - "log_dev"
              adom: <string>
              dev: <string>
              vdom: <string>
              desc: <string>
                - "migration"
                - "db_export"
                - "no_vpn_console"
                - "backup"
                - "other_devices"
                - "central_sdwan"
                - "is_autosync"
                - "per_device_wtp"
                - "policy_check_on_install"
                - "install_on_policy_check_fail"
                - "auto_push_cfg"
                - "per_device_fsw"
                - "install_deselect_all"
              log_db_retention_hours: <integer>
              log_disk_quota: <integer>
              log_disk_quota_alert_thres: <integer>
              log_disk_quota_split_ratio: <integer>
              log_file_retention_hours: <integer>
              meta_fields: <dict>
              mig_mr: <integer>
              mig_os_ver: <value in [unknown, 0.0, 1.0, ...]>
              mode: <value in [ems, gms, provider]>
              mr: <integer>
              name: <string>
              os_ver: <value in [unknown, 0.0, 1.0, ...]>
              restricted_prds: # <list or string>
                - "fos"
                - "foc"
                - "fml"
                - "fch"
                - "fwb"
                - "log"
                - "fct"
                - "faz"
                - "fsa"
                - "fsw"
                - "fmg"
                - "fdd"
                - "fac"
                - "fpx"
                - "fna"
                - "fdc"
                - "ffw"
                - "fsr"
                - "fad"
                - "fap"
                - "fxt"
                - "fts"
                - "fai"
                - "fwc"
                - "fis"
                - "fed"
                - "fabric"
                - "fpa"
                - "fca"
                - "ftc"
                - "fss"
              state: <integer>
              uuid: <string>
              create_time: <integer>
              workspace_mode: <integer>
              tz: <integer>
              lock_override: <integer>
              primary_dns_ip4: <string>
              primary_dns_ip6_1: <integer>
              primary_dns_ip6_2: <integer>
              primary_dns_ip6_3: <integer>
              primary_dns_ip6_4: <integer>
              secondary_dns_ip4: <string>
              secondary_dns_ip6_1: <integer>
              secondary_dns_ip6_2: <integer>
              secondary_dns_ip6_3: <integer>
              secondary_dns_ip6_4: <integer>
              adm_pass: <list or string>
              adm_usr: <string>
              app_ver: <string>
              av_ver: <string>
              beta: <integer>
              branch_pt: <integer>
              build: <integer>
              checksum: <string>
              conf_status: <value in [unknown, insync, outofsync]>
              conn_mode: <value in [active, passive]>
              conn_status: <value in [UNKNOWN, up, down]>
              db_status: <value in [unknown, nomod, mod]>
              desc: <string>
              dev_status: <value in [none, unknown, checkedin, ...]>
              fap_cnt: <integer>
              faz_full_act: <integer>
              faz_perm: <integer>
              faz_quota: <integer>
              faz_used: <integer>
              fex_cnt: <integer>
                - "has_hdd"
                - "vdom_enabled"
                - "discover"
                - "reload"
                - "interim_build"
                - "offline_mode"
                - "is_model"
                - "fips_mode"
                - "linked_to_model"
                - "ip-conflict"
                - "faz-autosync"
                - "need_reset"
                - "backup_mode"
                - "azure_vwan_nva"
                - "fgsp_configured"
                - "cnf_mode"
                - "sase_managed"
                - "override_management_intf"
                - "sdwan_management"
                - "deny_api_access"
              foslic_cpu: <integer>
              foslic_dr_site: <value in [disable, enable]>
              foslic_inst_time: <integer>
              foslic_last_sync: <integer>
              foslic_ram: <integer>
              foslic_type: <value in [temporary, trial, regular, ...]>
                - "fw"
                - "av"
                - "ips"
                - "app"
                - "url"
                - "utm"
                - "fwb"
              fsw_cnt: <integer>
              ha_group_id: <integer>
              ha_group_name: <string>
              ha_mode: <value in [standalone, AP, AA, ...]>
                  idx: <integer>
                  name: <string>
                  prio: <integer>
                  role: <value in [slave, master]>
                  sn: <string>
                  status: <integer>
                  conf_status: <integer>
              hdisk_size: <integer>
              hostname: <string>
              hw_rev_major: <integer>
              hw_rev_minor: <integer>
              ip: <string>
              ips_ext: <integer>
              ips_ver: <string>
              last_checked: <integer>
              last_resync: <integer>
              latitude: <string>
              lic_flags: <integer>
              lic_region: <string>
              location_from: <string>
              logdisk_size: <integer>
              longitude: <string>
              maxvdom: <integer>
              meta_fields: <dict>
              mgmt_id: <integer>
              mgmt_if: <string>
              mgmt_mode: <value in [unreg, fmg, faz, ...]>
              mgt_vdom: <string>
              mr: <integer>
              name: <string>
              os_type: <value in [unknown, fos, fsw, ...]>
              os_ver: <value in [unknown, 0.0, 1.0, ...]>
              patch: <integer>
              platform_str: <string>
              psk: <string>
              sn: <string>
                  comments: <string>
                  name: <string>
                  opmode: <value in [nat, transparent]>
                  rtm_prof_id: <integer>
                  status: <string>
                  vpn_id: <integer>
                  meta_fields: <dict>
                  vdom_type: <value in [traffic, admin]>
              version: <integer>
              vm_cpu: <integer>
              vm_cpu_limit: <integer>
              vm_lic_expire: <integer>
              vm_mem: <integer>
              vm_mem_limit: <integer>
              vm_status: <integer or string> <value in [N/A, No License, Startup, ...]>
              module_sn: <string>
              prefer_img_ver: <string>
              prio: <integer>
              role: <value in [master, ha-slave, autoscale-slave]>
              hyperscale: <integer>
              nsxt_service_name: <string>
              private_key: <string>
              private_key_status: <integer>
              vm_lic_overdue_since: <integer>
              first_tunnel_up: <integer>
              eip: <string>
              mgmt_uuid: <string>
              hw_generation: <integer>
              relver_info: <string>
              cluster_worker: <string>
              ha_vsn: <string>
              ha_upgrade_mode: <integer>
              vm_payg_status: <integer>
              adom: <string>
              dev: <string>
              grp: <string>
              vdom: <string>

Return Values

Common return values are documented:, the following are the fields unique to this module:

  • meta - The result of the request.returned: always type: dict
    • request_url - The full url requested. returned: always type: str sample: /sys/login/user
    • response_code - The status of api request. returned: always type: int sample: 0
    • response_data - The data body of the api response. returned: optional type: list or dict
    • response_message - The descriptive message of the api response. returned: always type: str sample: OK
    • system_information - The information of the target system. returned: always type: dict
  • rc - The status the request. returned: always type: int sample: 0
  • version_check_warning - Warning if the parameters used in the playbook are not supported by the current FortiManager version. returned: if at least one parameter not supported by the current FortiManager version type: list


  • This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface.


  • Xinwei Du (@dux-fortinet)

  • Xing Li (@lix-fortinet)

  • Jie Xue (@JieX19)

  • Link Zheng (@chillancezen)

  • Frank Shen (@fshen01)

  • Hongbin Lu (@fgtdev-hblu)