fmgr_dvm_cmd_import_devlist – Import a list of ADOMs and devices.
Added in version 2.0.0.
Starting in version 3.0.0, all input arguments will be named using the underscore naming convention (snake_case).
Argument name before 3.0.0:
,var name
New argument name starting in 3.0.0:
FortiManager Ansible v2.4+ supports both previous argument name and new underscore name. You will receive deprecation warnings if you keep using the previous argument name. You can ignore the warning by setting deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg.
This module is able to configure a FortiManager device.
Examples include all parameters and values need to be adjusted to data sources before usage.
Tested with FortiManager v7.x.
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
FortiManager Version Compatibility
Supported Version Ranges: v6.0.0 -> latest
- access_token -The token to access FortiManager without using username and password. type: str required: false
- bypass_validation - Only set to True when module schema diffs with FortiManager API structure, module continues to execute without validating parameters. type: bool required: false default: False
- enable_log - Enable/Disable logging for task. type: bool required: false default: False
- forticloud_access_token - Access token of forticloud managed API users, this option is available with FortiManager later than 6.4.0. type: str required: false
- rc_succeeded - The rc codes list with which the conditions to succeed will be overriden. type: list required: false
- rc_failed - The rc codes list with which the conditions to fail will be overriden. type: list required: false
- workspace_locking_adom - Acquire the workspace lock if FortiManager is running in workspace mode. type: str required: false choices: global, custom adom including root
- workspace_locking_timeout - The maximum time in seconds to wait for other users to release workspace lock. type: integer required: false default: 300
- dvm_cmd_import_devlist - Import a list of ADOMs and devices. type: dict
- adom Name or id of the adom where the command is to be executed on. type: str more...
- flags Create_task - create a new task in task manager database. type: list choices: [none, create_task, nonblocking, log_dev] more...
- import_adom_members (Alias name: import-adom-members) Associations between devices and adoms. type: list more...
- import_adoms (Alias name: import-adoms) A list of adom and device group objects to be imported. type: list
- desc Desc. type: str more...
- flags Flags. type: list choices: [migration, db_export, no_vpn_console, backup, other_devices, central_sdwan, is_autosync, per_device_wtp, policy_check_on_install, install_on_policy_check_fail, auto_push_cfg, per_device_fsw, install_deselect_all] more...
- log_db_retention_hours Log db retention hours. type: int default: 1440 more...
- log_disk_quota Log disk quota. type: int more...
- log_disk_quota_alert_thres Log disk quota alert thres. type: int default: 90 more...
- log_disk_quota_split_ratio Log disk quota split ratio. type: int default: 70 more...
- log_file_retention_hours Log file retention hours. type: int default: 8760 more...
- meta_fields (Alias name: meta fields) Default metafields: none. type: dict more...
- mig_mr Mig mr. type: int default: 2 more...
- mig_os_ver Mig os ver. type: str choices: [unknown, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0] default: 6.0 more...
- mode Ems - (value no longer used as of 4. type: str choices: [ems, gms, provider] default: gms more...
- mr Mr. type: int default: 2 more...
- name Name. type: str more...
- os_ver Os ver. type: str choices: [unknown, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0] default: 6.0 more...
- restricted_prds Restricted prds. type: list or str choices: [fos, foc, fml, fch, fwb, log, fct, faz, fsa, fsw, fmg, fdd, fac, fpx, fna, fdc, ffw, fsr, fad, fap, fxt, fts, fai, fwc, fis, fed, fabric, fpa, fca, ftc, fss] more...
- state State. type: int default: 1 more...
- uuid Uuid. type: str more...
- create_time Create time. type: int more...
- workspace_mode Workspace mode. type: int more...
- tz Tz. type: int more...
- lock_override Lock override. type: int more...
- primary_dns_ip4 Primary dns ip4. type: str more...
- primary_dns_ip6_1 Primary dns ip6 1. type: int more...
- primary_dns_ip6_2 Primary dns ip6 2. type: int more...
- primary_dns_ip6_3 Primary dns ip6 3. type: int more...
- primary_dns_ip6_4 Primary dns ip6 4. type: int more...
- secondary_dns_ip4 Secondary dns ip4. type: str more...
- secondary_dns_ip6_1 Secondary dns ip6 1. type: int more...
- secondary_dns_ip6_2 Secondary dns ip6 2. type: int more...
- secondary_dns_ip6_3 Secondary dns ip6 3. type: int more...
- secondary_dns_ip6_4 Secondary dns ip6 4. type: int more...
- import_devices (Alias name: import-devices) A list of device objects to be imported. type: list
- adm_pass Adm pass. type: list more...
- adm_usr Adm usr. type: str more...
- app_ver App ver. type: str more...
- av_ver Av ver. type: str more...
- beta Beta. type: int more...
- branch_pt Branch pt. type: int more...
- build Build. type: int more...
- checksum Checksum. type: str more...
- conf_status Conf status. type: str choices: [unknown, insync, outofsync] default: unknown more...
- conn_mode Conn mode. type: str choices: [active, passive] default: passive more...
- conn_status Conn status. type: str choices: [UNKNOWN, up, down] default: UNKNOWN more...
- db_status Db status. type: str choices: [unknown, nomod, mod] default: unknown more...
- desc Desc. type: str more...
- dev_status Dev status. type: str choices: [none, unknown, checkedin, inprogress, installed, aborted, sched, retry, canceled, pending, retrieved, changed_conf, sync_fail, timeout, rev_revert, auto_updated] default: unknown more...
- fap_cnt Fap cnt. type: int more...
- faz_full_act (Alias name: faz.full_act) Faz. type: int more...
- faz_perm (Alias name: faz.perm) Faz. type: int more...
- faz_quota (Alias name: faz.quota) Faz. type: int more...
- faz_used (Alias name: faz.used) Faz. type: int more...
- fex_cnt Fex cnt. type: int more...
- flags Flags. type: list choices: [has_hdd, vdom_enabled, discover, reload, interim_build, offline_mode, is_model, fips_mode, linked_to_model, ip-conflict, faz-autosync, need_reset, backup_mode, azure_vwan_nva, fgsp_configured, cnf_mode, sase_managed, override_management_intf, sdwan_management, deny_api_access] more...
- foslic_cpu Vm meter vcpu count. type: int more...
- foslic_dr_site Vm meter dr site status. type: str choices: [disable, enable] default: disable more...
- foslic_inst_time Vm meter first deployment time (in unix timestamp). type: int more...
- foslic_last_sync Vm meter last synchronized time (in unix timestamp). type: int more...
- foslic_ram Vm meter device ram size (in mb). type: int more...
- foslic_type Vm meter license type. type: str choices: [temporary, trial, regular, trial_expired] default: temporary more...
- foslic_utm Vm meter services type: list choices: [fw, av, ips, app, url, utm, fwb] more...
- fsw_cnt Fsw cnt. type: int more...
- ha_group_id Ha group id. type: int more...
- ha_group_name Ha group name. type: str more...
- ha_mode Enabled - value reserved for non-fos ha devices. type: str choices: [standalone, AP, AA, ELBC, DUAL, enabled, unknown, fmg-enabled, autoscale] default: standalone more...
- ha_slave Ha slave. type: list more...
- hdisk_size Hdisk size. type: int more...
- hostname Hostname. type: str more...
- hw_rev_major Hw rev major. type: int more...
- hw_rev_minor Hw rev minor. type: int more...
- ip Ip. type: str more...
- ips_ext Ips ext. type: int more...
- ips_ver Ips ver. type: str more...
- last_checked Last checked. type: int more...
- last_resync Last resync. type: int more...
- latitude Latitude. type: str more...
- lic_flags Lic flags. type: int more...
- lic_region Lic region. type: str more...
- location_from Location from. type: str more...
- logdisk_size Logdisk size. type: int more...
- longitude Longitude. type: str more...
- maxvdom Maxvdom. type: int default: 10 more...
- meta_fields (Alias name: meta fields) Default metafields: city, province/state, country, company/organization, contact. type: dict more...
- mgmt_id Mgmt id. type: int more...
- mgmt_if Mgmt if. type: str more...
- mgmt_mode Mgmt mode. type: str choices: [unreg, fmg, faz, fmgfaz] default: unreg more...
- mgt_vdom Mgt vdom. type: str more...
- mr Mr. type: int default: -1 more...
- name Unique name for the device. type: str more...
- os_type Os type. type: str choices: [unknown, fos, fsw, foc, fml, faz, fwb, fch, fct, log, fmg, fsa, fdd, fac, fpx, fna, fdc, ffw, fsr, fad, fap, fxt, fts, fai, fwc, fis, fed, fpa, fca, ftc, fss] default: unknown more...
- os_ver Os ver. type: str choices: [unknown, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0] default: unknown more...
- patch Patch. type: int more...
- platform_str Platform str. type: str more...
- psk Psk. type: str more...
- sn Unique value for each device. type: str more...
- vdom Vdom. type: list
- comments Comments. type: str more...
- name Name. type: str more...
- opmode Opmode. type: str choices: [nat, transparent] default: nat more...
- rtm_prof_id Rtm prof id. type: int more...
- status Status. type: str more...
- vpn_id Vpn id. type: int more...
- meta_fields (Alias name: meta fields) Meta fields. type: dict more...
- vdom_type Vdom type. type: str choices: [traffic, admin] default: traffic more...
- version Version. type: int more...
- vm_cpu Vm cpu. type: int more...
- vm_cpu_limit Vm cpu limit. type: int more...
- vm_lic_expire Vm lic expire. type: int more...
- vm_mem Vm mem. type: int more...
- vm_mem_limit Vm mem limit. type: int more...
- vm_status Vm status. type: int or str choices: [N/A, No License, Startup, Valid, Pending, Warning, Invalid, Invalid Copy, Evaluation Expired, Evaluation, Expires Soon, Expired, Grace Period, Validation Overdue] more...
- module_sn Module sn. type: str more...
- prefer_img_ver Prefer img ver. type: str more...
- prio Prio. type: int more...
- role Role. type: str choices: [master, ha-slave, autoscale-slave] default: master more...
- hyperscale Hyperscale. type: int more...
- nsxt_service_name Nsxt service name. type: str more...
- private_key Private key. type: str more...
- private_key_status Private key status. type: int more...
- vm_lic_overdue_since Vm lic overdue since. type: int more...
- first_tunnel_up First tunnel up. type: int more...
- eip Eip. type: str more...
- mgmt_uuid Mgmt uuid. type: str more...
- hw_generation Hw generation. type: int more...
- relver_info Relver info. type: str more...
- cluster_worker Cluster worker. type: str more...
- ha_vsn (Alias name: ha.vsn) Ha. type: str more...
- ha_upgrade_mode Ha upgrade mode. type: int more...
- vm_payg_status Vm payg status. type: int more...
- import_group_members (Alias name: import-group-members) Associations between devices and device groups. type: list more...
Running in workspace locking mode is supported in this FortiManager module, the top level parameters workspace_locking_adom and workspace_locking_timeout help do the work.
To create or update an object, use state: present directive.
To delete an object, use state: absent directive
Normally, running one module can fail when a non-zero rc is returned. you can also override the conditions to fail or succeed with parameters rc_failed and rc_succeeded
- name: Example playbook (generated based on argument schema)
hosts: fortimanagers
connection: httpapi
ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: true
ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: false
ansible_httpapi_port: 443
- name: Import a list of ADOMs and devices.
# bypass_validation: false
workspace_locking_adom: <value in [global, custom adom including root]>
workspace_locking_timeout: 300
# rc_succeeded: [0, -2, -3, ...]
# rc_failed: [-2, -3, ...]
adom: <string>
- "none"
- "create_task"
- "nonblocking"
- "log_dev"
adom: <string>
dev: <string>
vdom: <string>
desc: <string>
- "migration"
- "db_export"
- "no_vpn_console"
- "backup"
- "other_devices"
- "central_sdwan"
- "is_autosync"
- "per_device_wtp"
- "policy_check_on_install"
- "install_on_policy_check_fail"
- "auto_push_cfg"
- "per_device_fsw"
- "install_deselect_all"
log_db_retention_hours: <integer>
log_disk_quota: <integer>
log_disk_quota_alert_thres: <integer>
log_disk_quota_split_ratio: <integer>
log_file_retention_hours: <integer>
meta_fields: <dict>
mig_mr: <integer>
mig_os_ver: <value in [unknown, 0.0, 1.0, ...]>
mode: <value in [ems, gms, provider]>
mr: <integer>
name: <string>
os_ver: <value in [unknown, 0.0, 1.0, ...]>
restricted_prds: # <list or string>
- "fos"
- "foc"
- "fml"
- "fch"
- "fwb"
- "log"
- "fct"
- "faz"
- "fsa"
- "fsw"
- "fmg"
- "fdd"
- "fac"
- "fpx"
- "fna"
- "fdc"
- "ffw"
- "fsr"
- "fad"
- "fap"
- "fxt"
- "fts"
- "fai"
- "fwc"
- "fis"
- "fed"
- "fabric"
- "fpa"
- "fca"
- "ftc"
- "fss"
state: <integer>
uuid: <string>
create_time: <integer>
workspace_mode: <integer>
tz: <integer>
lock_override: <integer>
primary_dns_ip4: <string>
primary_dns_ip6_1: <integer>
primary_dns_ip6_2: <integer>
primary_dns_ip6_3: <integer>
primary_dns_ip6_4: <integer>
secondary_dns_ip4: <string>
secondary_dns_ip6_1: <integer>
secondary_dns_ip6_2: <integer>
secondary_dns_ip6_3: <integer>
secondary_dns_ip6_4: <integer>
adm_pass: <list or string>
adm_usr: <string>
app_ver: <string>
av_ver: <string>
beta: <integer>
branch_pt: <integer>
build: <integer>
checksum: <string>
conf_status: <value in [unknown, insync, outofsync]>
conn_mode: <value in [active, passive]>
conn_status: <value in [UNKNOWN, up, down]>
db_status: <value in [unknown, nomod, mod]>
desc: <string>
dev_status: <value in [none, unknown, checkedin, ...]>
fap_cnt: <integer>
faz_full_act: <integer>
faz_perm: <integer>
faz_quota: <integer>
faz_used: <integer>
fex_cnt: <integer>
- "has_hdd"
- "vdom_enabled"
- "discover"
- "reload"
- "interim_build"
- "offline_mode"
- "is_model"
- "fips_mode"
- "linked_to_model"
- "ip-conflict"
- "faz-autosync"
- "need_reset"
- "backup_mode"
- "azure_vwan_nva"
- "fgsp_configured"
- "cnf_mode"
- "sase_managed"
- "override_management_intf"
- "sdwan_management"
- "deny_api_access"
foslic_cpu: <integer>
foslic_dr_site: <value in [disable, enable]>
foslic_inst_time: <integer>
foslic_last_sync: <integer>
foslic_ram: <integer>
foslic_type: <value in [temporary, trial, regular, ...]>
- "fw"
- "av"
- "ips"
- "app"
- "url"
- "utm"
- "fwb"
fsw_cnt: <integer>
ha_group_id: <integer>
ha_group_name: <string>
ha_mode: <value in [standalone, AP, AA, ...]>
idx: <integer>
name: <string>
prio: <integer>
role: <value in [slave, master]>
sn: <string>
status: <integer>
conf_status: <integer>
hdisk_size: <integer>
hostname: <string>
hw_rev_major: <integer>
hw_rev_minor: <integer>
ip: <string>
ips_ext: <integer>
ips_ver: <string>
last_checked: <integer>
last_resync: <integer>
latitude: <string>
lic_flags: <integer>
lic_region: <string>
location_from: <string>
logdisk_size: <integer>
longitude: <string>
maxvdom: <integer>
meta_fields: <dict>
mgmt_id: <integer>
mgmt_if: <string>
mgmt_mode: <value in [unreg, fmg, faz, ...]>
mgt_vdom: <string>
mr: <integer>
name: <string>
os_type: <value in [unknown, fos, fsw, ...]>
os_ver: <value in [unknown, 0.0, 1.0, ...]>
patch: <integer>
platform_str: <string>
psk: <string>
sn: <string>
comments: <string>
name: <string>
opmode: <value in [nat, transparent]>
rtm_prof_id: <integer>
status: <string>
vpn_id: <integer>
meta_fields: <dict>
vdom_type: <value in [traffic, admin]>
version: <integer>
vm_cpu: <integer>
vm_cpu_limit: <integer>
vm_lic_expire: <integer>
vm_mem: <integer>
vm_mem_limit: <integer>
vm_status: <integer or string> <value in [N/A, No License, Startup, ...]>
module_sn: <string>
prefer_img_ver: <string>
prio: <integer>
role: <value in [master, ha-slave, autoscale-slave]>
hyperscale: <integer>
nsxt_service_name: <string>
private_key: <string>
private_key_status: <integer>
vm_lic_overdue_since: <integer>
first_tunnel_up: <integer>
eip: <string>
mgmt_uuid: <string>
hw_generation: <integer>
relver_info: <string>
cluster_worker: <string>
ha_vsn: <string>
ha_upgrade_mode: <integer>
vm_payg_status: <integer>
adom: <string>
dev: <string>
grp: <string>
vdom: <string>
Return Values
Common return values are documented:, the following are the fields unique to this module:
- meta - The result of the request.returned: always type: dict
- request_url - The full url requested. returned: always type: str sample: /sys/login/user
- response_code - The status of api request. returned: always type: int sample: 0
- response_data - The data body of the api response. returned: optional type: list or dict
- response_message - The descriptive message of the api response. returned: always type: str sample: OK
- system_information - The information of the target system. returned: always type: dict
- rc - The status the request. returned: always type: int sample: 0
- version_check_warning - Warning if the parameters used in the playbook are not supported by the current FortiManager version. returned: if at least one parameter not supported by the current FortiManager version type: list
This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface.